Described below are additonal facts about Kepler's Advanced Features House Systems: In Alphabetical Order:
Calculations In alphabetical order:
Angular Distance Table
Arabic Parts Listing
Arc Transform Chart
Aspects and/or Midpoints Between Charts
4 Major Asteroids and Chiron can be put in Wheel.
1000 other asteroid positions are in a list.
An option to buy 22,000 more asteroids
Art Wheels
Maps of any geographic area of the world with lines drawn through them which indicate areas of astrological sensitivity.
AstroMaps with or without orbs
AstroMaps with blue-shaded orbs
AstroMaps calculated in longitude or in mundo
Asteroids, midpoints, and minor aspects can be
included if desired
Flexible and easy to use
Zoom in and zoom out feature
Select any city and put it in the middle of the map
Options that can be included:
4 Major Asteroids
Major Aspects
Minor Aspects
Treasure Maps (a Unique and Exciting Feature):
Love and Romance Map
Vocation and Career Map
Friendship and Family Map
Imagination and Inspiration Map
Excitement and Instability Map
Sri Yukteswar
BV Raman
JN Bhasin
Customized value.
Asc Midpoint
MC Midpoint
Derived Asc
Draconic Chart
Eclipses indicated in transit-to-natal printouts
Eclipse Maps:
Date and time, as well as eclipse path, is
Ability to display more than one eclipse path on
a map
Listing of planet positions for the time period desired.
Select tropical/sidereal, asteroids, transneptunian, etc.
Financial Astrology:
Graph financial data, such as stocks or commodities. Import financial data purchased from data providers. Automatically pick out and save in a file high and low days. Produce a golf price forecast and a silver price forecast. Use Kepler research tools to create forecasts for other comodities. Designed specifically for index and comodity forecasts (stock forecast are not available yet)
Fixed Stars
Graphic Ephemeris
Natal, transiting, secondary progressed, and/or
solar arc positions can be combined together
Color coded lines help identify which charts are
involved in an aspect
Customize by selecting planets, line thickness,
and other options
Use Longitude, Declination, and Latitude positions
Harmonic charts, listings, or harmonic aspects,
and harmonic patterns
Heliocentric wheel and other calculations
Horizon Chart
House System Comparison
Kepler Workhop
Lunar Return
Midpoint Trees and Midpoint Sorts
Midpoint trees between 2 charts
Moon's Node: Mean Node & True Node
Natal Chart
Parallax corrected moon
Parallels of Declination: Listed in wheel
printouts, printed in transit-to-natal listings
Parans: A list of the latitudes where parans occur, with major cities also listed.Planet Return
Precessed Solar, Lunar, and Planetary Returns
Primary Directions: Lis of dates when primary directed planets cross angular cusps
Profile Category Scores
Progressed Chart & Listings
Solar arc directions
Direct or converse
Progress-to-Natal aspects
Progressed-to-Progressed aspects
Progressed and transiting midpoint structures
Methods for day-for-year progressed houses:
Solar Arc MC with corresponding Asc at the
geographic latitude
Naibod Arc in Right Ascension
Mean Solar Motion
Time of the progressed chart
Rectification Assistance: You can enter the date when a person got married, was in an accident, or experienced other major events, and obtain a total score based on how many transiting and progressed aspects occurred that match the events. Then you can adjust the birth time and compare scores. You can, of course, change the astrological weighting for each transiting or progressed aspect. For the astrologer who is serious about chart rectification, this feature is a big help
Relocated aspects to Asc and MC
Relocated Charts
Aspects between 2 charts
Astrological signatures. Discover them, create
them, and test them!
"Assumption-less research": Kepler finds most
frequent astrological factors for you.
Complex and sophisticated astrological
Compare frequency that occurs in the chart
being studied to the frequency that occurs
during any time period when researching
aspects, midpoints, or harmonics
Determine most common factors
Harmonic patterns
Multiple factors
Other astrological factors:
planetary speed, elements, fixed stars, etc.
Planets in houses
Planets in signs
Right Ascension:
Positions listed in wheel printouts, or
Produce a wheel with right ascension positions
Sabian Symbols
Solar Return
Text Ephemeris
Tobey Secondary
Time Line Forecast: Easy-to-read graphic
presentation. Combine many methods and select
them quickly.
Time Line Profile: Forecast accident proneness, athletic performance, etc. with a customizable, sophisticated weighting scheme
Time Line Forecast
Easy to read graphic presentation
Tobey Secondary Chart
Tansiting planet-to-natal-midpoint
Transiting midpoint-to-natal-planet
Vedic Astrology: Chart Wheels in either north Indian or South Indian style, Dasas and Bhuktis, Shad Bala, nakshatras, Vargas, and Gochara
90 degree Dial:
Clearly marked and accurate placement in
dial ruler.
Campanus, Equal, Koch, Meridian, Morinus, Porphyry, Regiomantanus, Sun-on-Ascendant, Topocentric, Placidus, Zero Arie
Next Screen: Continuation of Kepler's Additional Features