Kepler's capabilities are so vast that you may use only a fraction of them, but that's OK.
The entire program is only £200.00 inc.
Any one of the following features alone is worth hundreds of pounds:

...not to mention that Kepler's astrological calculation capability is vast, and the program is a joy to use. We also have the industry's best customer support.
Kepler is a program for everyone, from beginner
to the most expert professional.

Kepler 7 is a unique and powerful software tool.
The following FEATURES LIST and the REPORT OPTIONS list will help you to appreciate just how many features are included.
We invite you to download our complete colour catalogue that details all the features and report options for Kepler 7 ( please allow time for PDF. file to download 3megs.).
You can also download the UK price list with the report option prices.
- 12 House Systems
- Arabic Parts, 8,000 Fixed Stars, Parallels of declination, etc.
- ArcTransform Charts and Harmonic Charts
- Major and Minor Asteroids, Chiron, Vertex, Equatorial Asc, TransNeptunian Planets, etc.
- AstroMaps, Local Space, Geodetic, Zodiac Sign Maps and the spectacular Treasure Maps, relocated charts and relocated aspect listings
- Ingress, Eclipse, and Lunation charts, and Eclipse maps
- AstroClock
- Complete atlas with complete daylight savings time tables
- Progressions and Directions
- Composite Charts (Asc. midpt, MC midpt, derived, time-space)
- Secondary, Tertiary, Minor, Solar Arc, and Degree for a Year charts direct and converse
- Solar, Lunar, and Planet Returns
- Transits and Progressed Listings and Time Lines (can include midpoint structures, harmonics, eclipses, and
- Time Line Profile graphically shows when a person is accident-prone, athletic performance is good, etc.
- Natal Profile gives scores on mental, emotional, and personality traits
- Draconic, Declination Longitude Equivalent, Mundoscope, Antiscia, and Tobey Secondary
- Heliocentric, Horizon, and Right Ascension wheels, transits, etc.
- Midpoint trees in longitude or declination and listings, graphic ephemeris of color-coded natal, progressed, and transiting planets in longitude or declination
- 90 Degree Dials, Huber wheels, BiWheels, Tri-Wheels, QuadWheels, MultiWheels, Aspects and Midpoints Comparisons, etc.
- Extraordinary research capabilities, including assumptionless research and creating sophisticated astrological signatures. 18,000 charts of famous people, business, earthquakes, etc. included
- Avalon College and AstroEncyclopedia, incredible learning tools for anyone from beginner to professional
- Natal, Compatibility, and Forecast Interpretive Reports, and the Live Mini MultiMedia birth chart interpretation
- Dasas & Bhuktis, Shad Bala, Nakshatras, Vargas, & Gochara
- Many advanced capabilities for professionals and technical astrologers
- Extensive beautiful astrological graphics library, and True Type astrology font
- Graphic Ephemeris of natal, transits, and progressed postions
- Rectification assist
1,000 Minor Asteroid Positions, including recently discovered Ixion, Varuna, and Quaoar! Optional 22,000 Asteroids

Treasure Maps, like AstroMaps with blue-shaded orbs, show how far an astrological influence extends, but go yet another step: with a Treasure Map you can see precisely what areas are highlighted for areas of interest, such as Love and Romance, or Vocation and Career!
Treasure Maps contain areas that are shaded from pale yellow to
bright red, showing how strong the astrological influences are. Treasure Maps are not only beautiful; they also provide you and your clients with the information you want: you can see what areas are most conducive to the things that interest you most.
Treasure Maps utilize very sophisticated astrological techniques that provides you with accurate and useful information. You can also customize the astrological influences that are analyzed to produce the Treasure Map and other AstroMaps in Kepler.
- Love and Romance
- Vocation and Career
- Friendship and Family
- Imagination and Inspiration
- Excitement and Instability Maps.
- Education and Communication
- Culture and Creativity
- Optimism and Opportunity
- Responsibility and Focus
- Detailed Friendship and Family

Kepler can produce many different kinds of chart wheels. The samples shown here are just a few of the many possibilities, and you can also customize chart wheels in countless ways.
Kepler allows you to change the size of the chart wheel, the way in which cusps are drawn and planets are placed in the wheel, colors, what tables appear, you can merge graphics onto the wheel, which planets appear in the wheel and the tables, how much information to put in the aspect grid, etc.
You can now produce chart wheels with essential dignities, almuten, and conjunctions to fixed star tables, and you can also select a square chart wheel, if you wish, as well as many other features that are used in medieval and hellenistic astrology.
There are several new wheel styles. You can now produce wheels that have planets in the inner ring and minor asteroids in the outer ring; this is the Asteroid Wheel. You can also select a Fixed Star Wheel (fixed stars in the outer ring), Arabic Parts wheel (Arabic Parts in the outer ring) or Midpoint Wheel (midpoints in the outer ring). In the Asteroid Wheel you can have up to 50 asteroids in the outer ring, and the asteroid glyphs can be if desired and an asteroid glyph is available, and there is also a table below the wheel that shows which asteroid has which glyph. Of course, you can customize the wheel if you like. Kepler includes over 1,000 asteroids to choose from and if you own the optional 30,000 Asteroids CD you can place virtually any asteroid desired in the wheel. The Fixed Star Wheel and Arabic Parts Wheel are similar in concept with the additional points being in the outer ring of the wheel.

Kepler 7.0 provides a tremendous number of new features that were not in earlier versions of Kepler. While adding all of these features, Kepler has not only become much more powerful, flexible, and versatile, but the program is also slightly easier to use than Kepler 6.0. As each new version of Kepler expands in power, we are also making sure that this increased power does not interfere with you ability to get directly to the features you want and not to be distracted by the new features. Our goal is to ensure that Kepler not only does not become more difficult to use but that we've taken steps to make improvements to the ease of use; we have achieved this goal with Kepler 7.0. Below is a short list of new features added to Kepler 7.0
- Improved AstroClock
- Page Designer (improved wheel customizing)
- Added more charts of famous people
- Planetary Pitches (Music of the Spheres)
- Compatibility Profile Score
- Electional Astrology Graph and Information
- Day-for-a-year planet Ingresses and Rx/Direct
- Lunar Phase Report
- Void of Course Moon Listing
- Aspect Listings with Moon Details (VOC included)
- Transit-to-Transit Stations, Zodiac Sign Ingresses
- Planets and fixed stars on the horizon, zenith, and nadir
- Gauquelin sectors
- Rotated parans
- Firdaria (ancient forecasting method)
- House zodiac
- AstroSignature Research (Natal Charts)
- Forecast AstroSignature Research
- Match Making Research
- Pairs Research
- Quick selection of current transit chart
- Set a default place to use in AstroMap
- Harmonic Highlights Report (by David Cochrane)
- Vedic Insight Report (a comprehensive Vedic Report)
- Two new additional Kepler fonts
- Improved Menus (easier selection of many listings, progressed, solar and lunar return reports, etc.)
- Updated Atlas: Finland, Hungary, Norway, Mauritius
- Updated DST tables for 20 Countries
- Save any reports or wheels to file with any name you like in any directory you want to save it to.

NEW HOUSE SYSTEMS ADDED: Kepler used to have 13 House Systems. Now Kepler has 16 House Systems
- Geodetic
- Alcabitius
- Neoporph
- Sky Map
- More Advanced and Flexible Graphic Ephemeris (up to 99 years, progressed Asc and MC, faster
- calculations, easier selection of planets, right ascension, etc.)
- Options for heliocentric, declination, latitude, and right ascension in text ephemeris
- Table of Moon Positions
- Star Catalogue
- AstroClock
You can view the current positions of the planets in real time with
Kepler's AstroClock feature. You can select the place so that it calculates an
AstroClock wherever you are. Watch the planets and other points in chart wheel
format move in real time, changing degrees and even signs right before your eyes.
- Easy selection of multiple Vedic varga charts
- Ashtakavarga
- Ashtotarri and Narayana dasas added (in addition to Vimsotarri dasas)
- Chart Explorer: Vedic interactive interpretations courtesy of Australian astrologer Dadhichi Toth (www.astrology.com.au)
Easier Import of Birth Data File from Solar Fire: If the Solar Fire program is installed on your computer, Kepler will automatically detect that you have it installed. If found, Kepler will ask if they want to export the birth data from Solar Fire into the Kepler program. A browse button has also been added.
OTHER FEATURES: There are many other specific improvements throughout the program. Just as one example, it is now much easier to create your own set of arabic parts or fixed stars. We have tried to summarize some of the main features.
NEW PRODUCTS: The Kepler Mega Atlas is a separate atlas from the built in Kepler Atlas. If you are not able to find a place in Kepler, the Kepler Mega Atlas will have this information. The atlas that is built in the Kepler program is not included in the Kepler Mega Atlas.