Shows the Relationship between Astrology and Alchemy
Two interlocking six pointed stars embrace the astrological qualities of opposites, triplicities, quadraplicities, planets and houses. The Alchemical processes of transformation also find their placement within this primal mandala.
Ancient wisdom traditions revealed or concealed their teachings in symbols, individual symbols joined to form complex symbol systems. The Alchemical Star clearly shows a deep unity underlying the symbols of Astrology. See a new work The Alchemical Star Chart (see below) that is based on this earlier design.
A collectors print for centering and meditation.
A limited edition hand silk screened print in 4 colors
(21" by 21") signed by the artist.
Bring the Elemnts to Life in YOUR Life
The Alchemical Star Chart invites you to focus on the elemental keys.
A meditative awareness of these qualities can act as an anchor, as a thread holding us to simplicity in the midst of great complexity. Here is the possibility for transformation, for experiencing true spiritual alchemy.
The Alchemical Chart measures *8.5 x 11"
Full Color on heavy card and laminated for protection.
This easy to use double-sided reference guide is intended to be used as an inspirational tool for meditative, visualization and study purposes .
The Tree of Life (front center) is formed by 22 paths and 10 Sephiroth (spheres). Each is numbered and referenced to a corresponding table (on the reverse). Particular attention has been given to the flashing colors of the four Qabalistic worlds.
Astrological correspondences are shown.
£ 5.00
The Tree of Life Chart measures *8.5 x 11"
Full Color on heavy card and laminated for protection.
The modern Kabbalah (also known as the Tree of Life) embraces studies that have a broad contemporary appeal, these include:
Tarot, Astrology, Numerology, Archetypal imagery and magical studies, to mention a few. The Kabbalah Poster embraces these aspects and clearly shows the related information as keywords and titles, that are arranged onto the mystical glyph known as the 'Tree of Life'.
The Kabbalah Poster reveals over 1,000 names and titles embracing both traditional and esoteric wisdom from many authoritative sources.
Tables names and titles include: God and Goddess names, archangels and angels, numerical values, visions, Tarot cards (with esoteric titles), astrological attributes, colors, symbols and much more...
Many hours of research and dedication have gone into this unique hand written poster, which crystallizes volumes of both well-known and rare esoteric information. The Kabbalah Poster is a suitable reference work for esoteric enthusiasts, scholars, teachers, lay-persons and students of life.
Laminated £ 15.00
Plain £ 10.00
The Kabbalah Poster
A large format information poster (28" by 22")
printed in burgundy ink on cream parchment stock.
Showing the basic titles and names of the Qabaah
A collectors print for centering and meditation
The 32 paths are each assigned a unique intelligence
along with the planetary attributes and the vision's.
This print is now in its second edition due to the success of the first edition
The Golden Tree Print
is a limited edition silk-screened in gold (21" by 12") on heavy black stock