Kepler WorkShop can produce the following printouts: the Graphic Ephemeris, Text Epehemeris, Eclispe maps, and the following Vedic calculations: Charts and Vargas, Gochara, and Dasas & Bhuktis.
Eclipse Map: An eclipse map is a map that shows the path of the shadow on the earth that is created during a solar eclipse. Text Ephemeris: The text ephemeris is a listing of planet positions each day. This listing is similar to the listing found in ephemeris books. See sample below. A few of the powerful features of Kepler Workshop are: combining natal, secondary progressed, solar arc directions, and transits in a graphic ephemeris, customizing line width and colors in the graphic ephemeris, putting more than one eclipse path on a map, and producing a text ephemeris in tropical or sidereal, and including transneptunian planets and/or major asteroids. Continuation: Click here for more information about the Kepler Vedic Wheels |