MEDICAL FORECAST Report Sample Printout

Eileen Nauman, author of our Medscan Report, has developed a transit forecast report that describes the influence of transiting planets on human health and well-being, thus providing indications of tendencies for changes in health. Homeopathic and nutritional recommendations are provided.

Languages available: English


Astro-Health Forecast for

Michael J. Fox

June 9, 1961
12:15 AM
Edmonton, Canada

January 20, 2000 - February 20, 2000

Your Company Name
18 Maple Avenue
Nice Place, California 98765
Phone: 123-456-7890


Given below is technical information that the Medical Forecast is based on:

Tropical/Placidus NATAL CHARTCalculated for time zone 0 hours
Natal positions:

Jup= 6AQ49

Moon= 1TA27

Merc= 9CN21

Ven= 2TA58
Nep= 8SC58

Plu= 5VI40

Natal: Sun Moon Merc Ven Mars Jup Sat Ura Nep Plu Asc
Transiting: Sun Moon Merc Ven Mars Jup Sat Ura Nep Plu

Conj ( 0 deg 00 min)
Sqr ( 90 deg 00 min)
Sxtil ( 60 deg 00 min)

1 deg 00 min
1 deg 00 min
1 deg 00 min

Oppos (180 deg 00 min)
Trine (120 deg 00 min)
Qucnx (150 deg 00 min)

1 deg 00 min
1 deg 00 min
1 deg 00 min

Dec 25, 1999 (Nov 19, 1999 to Jan 22, 2000) Nep Sqr Ven

If hypoglycemic or diabetic, pay attention to diet and insulin needs during this period. Unconsciously eating a lot of sugar/sweets as a placebo for the love you're not receiving from those around you. Check for B-2 deficiency symptoms. If craving chocolate, try Sepia (hr). Infections involving the skin may arise. Try Sulphur (hr). If skin doesn't seem as healthy as it could be, check for Vit. E deficiency symptoms. If going to a doctor, possible misdiagnosis. Get a second opinion! Problems with any kind of drug (including alcohol), and possible allergic reaction to it. Medical tests can be lost, switched or WRONG. Blood sugar problems (hypoglycemia/diabetes) may be root cause of many other symptoms. Get proper tests to confirm or deny. Weight gain possible.

Jan 19, 2000 7 PM(Jan 19, 2000 to Jan 20, 2000)Merc Sqr Moon

Nerves may play havoc on emotions during this period. Restless and may have insomnia. Try Calm's Forte (hr).

Jan 19, 2000 10 PM(Jan 18, 2000 to Jan 20, 2000)Sun Conj Sat

Bone and teeth ailments may crop up at this time. Go have a dental check up. Arthritis may rear it's head. Homeopathic remedies such a Byronia, Ruta Gravolens and Calc. Carb. may help such a condition, but needs to be treated by a homeopathic M.D. for best long term results. Now is the time to get your case taken!

Jan 20, 2000 4 PM(Jan 20, 2000 to Jan 21, 2000)Merc Sqr Ven

You're nerves are on edge due to possible lack of affection or love during this period. You might unconsciously eat sweets to make up for lack of attention. Try Sepia (hr) if you have a chocolate craving attack.

Jan 21, 2000 3 AM Moon Oppos Sat

Mild depression may lurk around, but it's only temporary. Wanting to be alone or quiet. Seek solitude and quiet as a positive health outlet. Meditate, go for a quiet walk with Nature, or do something that appeals to your inner needs.

Jan 21, 2000 6 PM Moon Sqr Nep

If ill and going to doctor, be VERY careful of misdiagnosis. Seek a second opinion. Medical tests run during this time are suspect of being inaccurate, switched or lost. Problems with taking an medical drugs during this time--adverse side effects or perhaps allergic reaction--be careful! Otherwise, a period of confusion, lethargy and even exhaustion. A time to catch up on sleep. Rest is indicated, otherwise you're susceptible to colds or flu. This should be a day of quiet to feed your spirit and inner being. Meditation, yoga or other more spiritually oriented work outs are best.

Jan 22, 2000 5 AM(Jan 21, 2000 to Jan 23, 2000)Sun Sqr Moon

More than likely your emotions are apt to be flaring or over reacting to the people or environment around you. Energy levels may fluctuate and you may not feel like doing too much. Rest is indicated, not hard charging activity. Take the day, or at least an hour in it, to get in touch with your emotions and where you're at with them. Chances are, if you have an emotional conflagration, there is something deeper bothering you. This is an excellent time to probe your own depths with honesty and forthrightness. If you try to evade or escape your feelings, then the day could turn into the "blahs" with mild depression setting in.

Jan 22, 2000 7 AM(Jan 21, 2000 to Jan 23, 2000)Merc Qucnx Plu

Intense time of heightened activity which will press nerves to a possible breaking point. Protect them with Calm's Forte (hr). Possible mental burn out. Try Kali. Phos. (hr) to feed brain cells to keep going at intense pace successfully.

Jan 22, 2000 10 AM Moon Conj Mars

Possibility of emotional flare ups that could manifest as anger. For women, uterine complaints connected with menstrual cycle.

Jan 22, 2000 5 PM Moon Conj Ura

Accidents may happen. If you have not cleared out emotions such as anger, frustration or disgust, then they may manifest as a small accident. Remain focused and pay attention to what you're doing--don't be drawn off by some emotional situation that is still hanging around you.

Jan 22, 2000 11 PM(Jan 22, 2000 to Jan 23, 2000)Merc Conj Jup

Nerves are on edge and sweet things, especially sugar and desserts, will appeal greatly to you. Weight gain due to nervousness and over eating. If craving chocolate, try Sepia (hr) to neutralize it. Indigestion possible from nervousness. Try Lycopodium (hr). Possible B-l deficiency which can also cause sugar craving.

Jan 23, 2000 4 AM Moon Qucnx Sat

Mild depression may lurk around, but it's only temporary. Wanting to be alone or quiet. Seek solitude and quiet as a positive health outlet. Meditate, go for a quiet walk with Nature, or do something that appeals to your inner needs.

Jan 23, 2000 10 AM Moon Trine Ven

There will be the temptation to indulge in extra sweets or desserts during this period. If craving chocolate, try Sepia (hr).

Jan 23, 2000 3 PM Moon Conj Plu

An highly intense emotional period. Be prepared for an emotional marathon where you're possibly "running on your feelings" or your emotions are catapulting you into a situation. If the stress being applied is positive, no problem. However, if you perceive it as negative stress, then the immune system will depress, possibly leaving you open for a cold or flu to follow shortly after the emotional "blow out."

Jan 23, 2000 4 PM(Jan 22, 2000 to Jan 24, 2000) Sun Sqr Ven

The desire for sweets can be overwhelming during this short period. Chocoholics will want to binge. trade your sweet tooth for fresh fruit instead, and avoid a weight gain!

Jan 24, 2000 5 AM(Jan 23, 2000 to Jan 25, 2000)Merc Sqr Nep

Mentally feeling diffused and you may lack concentration. Try Kali. Phos. (hr) to stay alert and focused. Medical misdiagnosis possible--seek second opinion. Not a good time for surgery. Infection, malpractice or drug reaction may occur. Low tolerance to drugs in general--especially tranquilizers. Try Calm's Forte (hr), instead. The need to sleep more, and rest up. Do so.

Jan 26, 2000 2 AM Moon Sqr Merc

Nerves may play havoc on emotions during this period. Restless and may have insomnia. Try Calm's Forte (hr).

Jan 26, 2000 8 AM(Jan 25, 2000 to Jan 27, 2000)Sun Qucnx Plu

Extremism now plays a vital part in your health--or lack of it, at this time. There are such volcanic forces alive and awakened within you that you may take on Herculean tasks, thinking you can finish them. You probably will, but at the expense of your physical body or suffer mental burn out. Try not to go overboard. Don't become a workaholic. Remember, moderation in ALL things is best, and that includes working, eating, and playing. Burn out is a good bet with this transit, so if you don't want to suffer the consequences of it, you'll put on the brakes and be reasonable.

Jan 27, 2000 11 AM(Jan 26, 2000 to Jan 28, 2000)Sun Conj Jup

For some, it can mean a weight gain. This is a good time to watch WHAT you're eating. Sweets will beckon, but resist. Starches, in the form of pasta, may look great, too. Dietwise, stick with brown rice, lots fo slightly steamed or raw vegetables and use fresh fruit as a "candy" source, instead of chocolates and the like.

Jan 27, 2000 3 PM Moon Sqr Sat

Mild depression may lurk around, but it's only temporary. Wanting to be alone or quiet. Seek solitude and quiet as a positive health outlet. Meditate, go for a quiet walk with Nature, or do something that appeals to your inner needs.

Jan 27, 2000 4 PM(Jan 26, 2000 to Jan 28, 2000)Mars Sqr Sun

If you're in too much of a hurry, blindly rushing hither, thither and yon, chances are you're going to end up (a) bruising yourself (b) cutting yourself with a knife or other sharp object (c) straining or spraining a muscle or, at it's worst (d) getting into some kind of accident--all because you're in too much of a hurry and aren't paying adequate attention to what you're doing. SLOW DOWN. There's plenty of energy popping and crackling around you, but unfocused and allowed to run rampant will place you in the "accident mode"--particularly with engines, tools and cars.

Jan 28, 2000 11 AM Moon Conj Nep

If ill and going to doctor, be VERY careful of misdiagnosis. Seek a second opinion. Medical tests run during this time are suspect of being inaccurate, switched or lost. Problems with taking any medical drugs during this time--adverse side effects or perhaps allergic reaction--be careful! Otherwise, a period of confusion, lethargy and even exhaustion. A time to catch up on sleep. Rest is indicated, otherwise you're susceptible to colds or flu. This should be a day of quiet to feed your spirit and inner being. Meditation, yoga or other more spiritually oriented work outs are best.

Jan 29, 2000 6 AM Moon Sqr Mars

Possibility of emotional flare ups that could manifest as anger. For women, uterine complaints connected with menstrual cycle.

Jan 29, 2000 12 PM(Jan 28, 2000 to Jan 30, 2000)Merc Trine Sun

For the next one or two days your mental skills will be at maximum. This is an excellent time to sharpen your skills mentally on whatever your choose. It could be attending a class, reading a book or teaching others. Mental energies are high, so take advantage of this time to so 'mental' things. It could be something as mundane as balancing the checkbook or esoteric as ruminating about the Cosmos. Nerves are steady, sleep is good and your mental outlook is positive. If there are other hard aspects going on now, the above will be modified to a degree.

Jan 29, 2000 1 PM Moon Sqr Ura

Accidents may happen. If you have not cleared out emotions such as anger, frustration or disgust, then they may manifest as a small accident. Remain focused and pay attention to what you're doing--don't be drawn off by some emotional situation that is still hanging around you.

Jan 29, 2000 2 PM(Jan 28, 2000 to Jan 30, 2000) Sun Sqr Nep

Virus and bacterial "bugs" may dog your heels. Your immune system is not as strong as it could be. Vitamin C and Pantothenic Acid may help during this period to bolster it. Also, it's a good time to get to a Homeopathic M.D. and treated with a remedy to help support your beleaguered immune system.

Jan 29, 2000 6 PM(Jan 29, 2000 to Jan 30, 2000)Merc Oppos Mars

Accidents are still in the air--and more likely to occur. You'll be bumping into things, dropping things and in general, feeling nervous and out of kilter. Be attentive around fire (stoves, fireplaces, etc.), firearms, mechanical things and driving. Remain focused and concentrated--channel all this nervous energy--don't let it run you or minor accidents could happen. Possible sprained muscle from over exertion. Try Calm's Forte (hr) to help feed and calm nerves.

Jan 29, 2000 11 PM(Jan 28, 2000 to Jan 30, 2000)Sun Qucnx Merc

Your nerves may suffer today and become drawn and taut due to a situation within yourself or around you. The day may stress your nervous system. If severe, Calm's Forte may "feed" your nervous system so that it can operate at maximum efficiency during this "push comes to shove" period, which will only last two days at the most. A good time to meditate, take a walk or do something beneficial to ease the strain on yourself. Insomnia may occur due to an overactive mind that won't shut down for sleep. Calm's Forte (h) or White Chestnut (bfr) may help.

Look to your mental (Mercury) attitude to see if you're contributing to the way you're reacting to this transitory stress. A change in attitude may be all that's required!

Jan 30, 2000 11 PM Moon Qucnx Merc

Nerves may play havoc on emotions during this period. Restless and may have insomnia. Try Calm's Forte (hr).

Jan 31, 2000 10 PM(Jan 31, 2000 to Feb 1, 2000)Merc Oppos Ura

Nerves are raw, and you're jumping, restless and taut. Possible electric shock or sudden, unexpected trauma situation presents itself. Use Rescue Remedy (bfr). Injuries to fingers and hands occur in odd, quirky ways. Insomnia. Try Calm's Forte (hr).

Feb 1, 2000 11 PM Moon Trine Ven

This astrological influence (Moon Trine Ven) also occurred on Jan 23, 2000 (peak date). Please refer to this date.

Feb 2, 2000 2 AM(Jan 31, 2000 to Feb 3, 2000)Mars Qucnx Ura

Accident prone! Possible surgery or sudden, unexpected stress can traumatize you. Carry Rescue Remedy (bfr) with you during this period and take on an "as needed basis" when you're caught in a crisis. Muscle pulls and strains are possible, try Arnica (hr). If ligaments/tendons involved, try Rhus. Tox. or Ruta. Grav. (hr). This is an explosive period for your emotions. You will probably be volatile, restless, energetic and lack focus or concentration. Try Calm's Forte (hr) to soothe and feed nerves, plus get rid of unwanted insomnia. If going in for surgery during this period consider the following hr's: Arnica for bruising/trauma to tissue, and Calendula non-alcoholic liquid to speed up healing with less scaring taking place. Injury could take place on any vehicle (including airplanes). Be careful around fires (burns), firearms, appliances, knives or engines of any kind. Stay focused and remain alert, and you'll skate through this period unscathed. Don't become frenetic or unfocused. Accidents may then occur.

Feb 2, 2000 12 PM Moon Oppos Merc

Nerves may play havoc on emotions during this period. Restless and may have insomnia. Try Calm's Forte (hr).

Feb 3, 2000 7 AM Moon Qucnx Mars

Possibility of emotional flare ups that could manifest as anger. For women, uterine complaints connected with menstrual cycle.

Feb 3, 2000 2 PM Moon Qucnx Ura

Accidents may happen. If you have not cleared out emotions such as anger, frustration or disgust, then they may manifest as a small accident. Remain focused and pay attention to what you're doing--don't be drawn off by some emotional situation that is still hanging around you.

Feb 4, 2000 4 AM Moon Conj Sat

Mild depression may lurk around, but it's only temporary. Wanting to be alone or quiet. Seek solitude and quiet as a positive health outlet. Meditate, go for a quiet walk with Nature, or do something that appeals to your inner needs.

Feb 4, 2000 5 PM Moon Qucnx Plu

An highly intense emotional period. Be prepared for an emotional marathon where you're possibly "running on your feelings" or your emotions are catapulting you into a situation. If the stress being applied is positive, no problem. However, if you perceive it as negative stress, then the immune system will depress, possibly leaving you open for a cold or flu to follow shortly after the emotional "blow out."

Feb 4, 2000 11 PM Moon Sqr Nep

If ill and going to doctor, be VERY careful of misdiagnosis. Seek a second opinion. Medical tests run during this time are suspect of being inaccurate, switched or lost. Problems with taking an medical drugs during this time--adverse side effects or perhaps allergic reaction--be careful! Otherwise, a period of confusion, lethargy and even exhaustion. A time to catch up on sleep. Rest is indicated, otherwise you're susceptible to colds or flu. This should be a day of quiet to feed your spirit and inner being. Meditation, yoga or other more spiritually oriented work outs are best.

Feb 5, 2000 12 AM Moon Qucnx Merc

This astrological influence (Moon Qucnx Merc) also occurred on Jan 30, 2000 (peak date). Please refer to this date.

Feb 5, 2000 6 PM Moon Oppos Mars

Possibility of emotional flare ups that could manifest as anger. For women, uterine complaints connected with menstrual cycle.

Feb 6, 2000 1 AM Moon Oppos Ura

Accidents may happen. If you have not cleared out emotions such as anger, frustration or disgust, then they may manifest as a small accident. Remain focused and pay attention to what you're doing--don't be drawn off by some emotional situation that is still hanging around you.

Feb 6, 2000 10 PM Moon Sxtil Ven

There will be the temptation to indulge in extra sweets or desserts during this period. If craving chocolate, try Sepia (hr).

Feb 7, 2000 3 AM(Feb 6, 2000 to Feb 8, 2000)Merc Sxtil Ven

You're in a pleasant and happy state of mind. Rewards pop to mind and you're liable to reach for more desserts or sweets than usual. Careful! You don't want to gain weight. Moderation, please.

Feb 7, 2000 3 AM Moon Oppos Plu

An highly intense emotional period. Be prepared for an emotional marathon where you're possibly "running on your feelings" or your emotions are catapulting you into a situation. If the stress being applied is positive, no problem. However, if you perceive it as negative stress, then the immune system will depress, possibly leaving you open for a cold or flu to follow shortly after the emotional "blow out."

Feb 8, 2000 2 AM(Feb 7, 2000 to Feb 9, 2000)Sun Oppos Mars

If you're in too much of a hurry, blindly rushing hither, thither and yon, chances are you're going to end up (a) bruising yourself (b) cutting yourself with a knife or other sharp object (c) straining or spraining a muscle or, at it's worst (d) getting into some kind of accident--all because you're in too much of a hurry and aren't paying adequate attention to what you're doing. SLOW DOWN. There's plenty of energy popping and crackling around you, but unfocused and allowed to run rampant will place you in the "accident mode"--particularly with engines, tools and cars.

Feb 8, 2000 3 AM Moon Qucnx Mars

This astrological influence (Moon Qucnx Mars) also occurred on Feb 3, 2000 (peak date). Please refer to this date.

Feb 8, 2000 10 AM Moon Qucnx Ura

This astrological influence (Moon Qucnx Ura) also occurred on Feb 3, 2000 (peak date). Please refer to this date.

Feb 8, 2000 8 PM(Feb 8, 2000 to Feb 9, 2000)Merc Oppos Plu

Intense mental effort may be required. Kali. Phos. (hr) will support inundated brain cells. Nerves will be stretched thin and Calm's Forte' (hr) may help.

Feb 8, 2000 11 PM(Feb 8, 2000 to Feb 9, 2000)Ven Qucnx Mars

The desire for sweets or sugar may become intense. Check for B-2 deficiency symptoms. If craving chocolate, try Sepia (hr). Possible weight gain during this period. Binge eating or over eating due to love/affection emotions not being properly supported.

Feb 9, 2000 (Feb 2, 2000 to Feb 15, 2000) Jup Sqr Sat

Assimilation of nutrients may be worse than usual. Try an enzyme tablet before each meal to increase absorption of vitamins and minerals. An excellent time to begin a diet, because resolve i firmer at this time. Hypoglycemia (liver) or diabetes (pancreas) may appear. Check with blood test from doctor. Liver complaint in general may be involved. If suffering from indigestion, try lecithin or Lycopodium (hr). Possible gallbladder involvement, try lecithin. Skin problems may erupt, try Sulphur (hr). Your feelings of insecurity or inadequacy may increase, and if they do, you may substitute food for the feeling--watch what you're eating and how much of it. Circumstances may be making you feel as if responsibilities are simply to heavy to carry by yourself any longer. If feeling decidedly pessimistic and depressed, try Aurum Met. (hr).

Feb 9, 2000 11 AM Moon Qucnx Plu

This astrological influence (Moon Qucnx Plu) also occurred on Feb 4, 2000 (peak date). Please refer to this date.

Feb 9, 2000 5 PM Moon Qucnx Nep

If ill and going to doctor, be VERY careful of misdiagnosis. Seek a second opinion. Medical tests run during this time are suspect of being inaccurate, switched or lost. Problems with taking any medical drugs during this time--adverse side effects or perhaps allergic reaction--be careful! Otherwise, a period of confusion, lethargy and even exhaustion. A time to catch up on sleep. Rest is indicated, otherwise you're susceptible to colds or flu. This should be a day of quiet to feed your spirit and inner being. Meditation, yoga or other more spiritually oriented work outs are best.

Feb 9, 2000 5 PM Moon Sqr Merc

Nerves may play havoc on emotions during this period. Restless and may have insomnia. Try Calm's Forte (hr).

Feb 11, 2000 5 AM Moon Sqr Sat

Mild depression may lurk around, but it's only temporary. Wanting to be alone or quiet. Seek solitude and quiet as a positive health outlet. Meditate, go for a quiet walk with Nature, or do something that appeals to your inner needs.

Feb 11, 2000 8 PM(Feb 10, 2000 to Feb 12, 2000)Sun Oppos Ura

Your nerves may be strained or on the verge of being shot during this period. Sudden, unexpected stress, much like a hammer slamming into a crystal glass, can disrupt the continuity of your life. Healthwise, it will directly affect your nervous system. Calm's Forte (h) may help feed your screaming nerves so that you can not only unwind, but relax and avoid insomnia.

Feb 11, 2000 10 PM Moon Oppos Nep

If ill and going to doctor, be VERY careful of misdiagnosis. Seek a second opinion. Medical tests run during this time are suspect of being inaccurate, switched or lost. Problems with taking an medical drugs during this time--adverse side effects or perhaps allergic reaction--be careful! Otherwise, a period of confusion, lethargy and even exhaustion. A time to catch up on sleep. Rest is indicated, otherwise you're susceptible to colds or flu. This should be a day of quiet to feed your spirit and inner being. Meditation, yoga or other more spiritually oriented work outs are best.

Feb 12, 2000 3 PM Moon Sqr Mars

Possibility of emotional flare ups that could manifest as anger. For women, uterine complaints connected with menstrual cycle.

Feb 12, 2000 9 PM Moon Sqr Ura

Accidents may happen. If you have not cleared out emotions such as anger, frustration or disgust, then they may manifest as a small accident. Remain focused and pay attention to what you're doing--don't be drawn off by some emotional situation that is still hanging around you.

Feb 14, 2000 2 AM Moon Qucnx Nep

This astrological influence (Moon Qucnx Nep) also occurred on Feb 9, 2000 (peak date). Please refer to this date.

Feb 15, 2000 11 AM Moon Qucnx Sat

Mild depression may lurk around, but it's only temporary. Wanting to be alone or quiet. Seek solitude and quiet as a positive health outlet. Meditate, go for a quiet walk with Nature, or do something that appeals to your inner needs.

Feb 15, 2000 6 PM Moon Sxtil Ven

This astrological influence (Moon Sxtil Ven) also occurred on Feb 6, 2000 (peak date). Please refer to this date.

Feb 16, 2000 4 AM Moon Conj Merc

Nerves may play havoc on emotions during this period. Restless and may have insomnia. Try Calm's Forte (hr).

Feb 17, 2000 12 PM(Feb 16, 2000 to Feb 18, 2000)Ven Conj Sat

Appetite may be suppressed due to emotions. An excellent time to start a diet. Skin may be dry, so check for Vit. E deficiency symptoms. Also, if skin problems crop up, try Sulphur (hr). If wrestling with loved one on emotional issues during this time, the immune system could depress. Extra Vitamin C may be needed to stave off possible colds/flu that could result. Protect skin against sunburn. If sunburned, try Calendula lotion (hr).

Feb 17, 2000 1 PM Moon Oppos Sat

Mild depression may lurk around, but it's only temporary. Wanting to be alone or quiet. Seek solitude and quiet as a positive health outlet. Meditate, go for a quiet walk with Nature, or do something that appeals to your inner needs.

Feb 18, 2000 5 AM Moon Sqr Nep

If ill and going to doctor, be VERY careful of misdiagnosis. Seek a second opinion. Medical tests run during this time are suspect of being inaccurate, switched or lost. Problems with taking an medical drugs during this time--adverse side effects or perhaps allergic reaction--be careful! Otherwise, a period of confusion, lethargy and even exhaustion. A time to catch up on sleep. Rest is indicated, otherwise you're susceptible to colds or flu. This should be a day of quiet to feed your spirit and inner being. Meditation, yoga or other more spiritually oriented work outs are best.

Feb 18, 2000 9 PM Moon Conj Mars

Possibility of emotional flare ups that could manifest as anger. For women, uterine complaints connected with menstrual cycle.

Feb 19, 2000 3 AM Moon Conj Ura

Accidents may happen. If you have not cleared out emotions such as anger, frustration or disgust, then they may manifest as a small accident. Remain focused and pay attention to what you're doing--don't be drawn off by some emotional situation that is still hanging around you.

Feb 19, 2000 9 AM(Feb 18, 2000 to Feb 20, 2000)Ven Sqr Moon

Because your emotions are being battered, you may reach for sugar products or sweets to buoy you during this period. Check B-2 deficiency symptoms that may contribute to sweet hunger. Or, consider a B-complex during this period to support potentially depressed immune system. If you have hypoglycemia or diabetes, this period may bring about a crisis--watch food intake and insulin needs.

Feb 19, 2000 12 PM(Feb 18, 2000 to Feb 20, 2000)Mars Qucnx Plu

Possible endocrine dysfunction, the Thyroid, Adrenals or Ovaries may be most suspect, but don't eliminate the others. Get tested if you're feeling under the weather. You're in a hard charging mode right now, the perfect workaholic syndrome. You have more energy, more drive right now, but it's a question as to whether your physical body can stand your fervent zeal. The body may break down if you don't get sufficient rest and stop going to extremes. If you exercise, do so moderately, otherwise, muscle injuries may develop. Try Arnica (hr). If there is injury to tendon/ligament, try Rhus. Tox. or Ruta. Grav. (hr). Adrenal exhaustion because of your extreme drive, may occur. Check out Pantothenic Acid deficiency symptoms. Possible blood problems, such as anemia. Check B-12 and Iron deficiency symptoms. Also, severe allergy problems. See B-12 or try Sabadilla (hr). Possible severe edema or water weight problems. Try Rhus. Tox. or Nat. Mur. (hr). If hives occurs, try Cantharis (hr). If skin breaks out, think about Sulphur (hr).

Feb 19, 2000 3 PM Moon Qucnx Sat

This astrological influence (Moon Qucnx Sat) also occurred on Feb 15, 2000 (peak date). Please refer to this date.

Feb 19, 2000 9 PM Moon Trine Ven

There will be the temptation to indulge in extra sweets or desserts during this period. If craving chocolate, try Sepia (hr).

Feb 20, 2000 1 AM Moon Conj Plu

An highly intense emotional period. Be prepared for an emotional marathon where you're possibly "running on your feelings" or your emotions are catapulting you into a situation. If the stress being applied is positive, no problem. However, if you perceive it as negative stress, then the immune system will depress, possibly leaving you open for a cold or flu to follow shortly after the emotional "blow out."

Feb 20, 2000 7 PM(Feb 19, 2000 to Feb 21, 2000)Sun Sxtil Moon

Today you'll feel great and on top of the world on all levels. Energy wise, you're ready to tackle the world. An excellent day for therapy, because it will be easy to dig into your unconscious and deeper emotional superstructure. If other hard aspects occur today, then some of your high energy will be modified or otherwise sublimated.

Feb 21, 2000 12 AM(Feb 19, 2000 to Feb 22, 2000)Mars Sxtil Jup

Over expansion can happen now! And that means adding to the waist line--so watch how much and WHAT you're eating! An excellent time to start a diet and burn off unwanted pounds--just don't go to extremes, make it sensible.

Feb 23, 2000 (Feb 17, 2000 to Feb 28, 2000)Jup Conj Moon

Because emotions may be under stress, there is a tendency to binge out on food, or possibly, even Bulimia. Weight gain possible. Moods may become over exaggerated or dramatic swings. There is a tendency to blow things out of proportion. Possible indigestion (liver oriented) that may be helped with lecithin. Check deficiency symptoms of B-6. Check cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Vit. F, Vit. E and lecithin may help in lowering it, if it is up. FOR WOMEN: Water weight problems that might be helped with B-6 or Nat. Mur. (hr). PMS may be worse than usual. Try Sepia (hr). Mood swings may increase, particularly if your menstrual cycle begins five days before a full moon. Sepia (hr) will help. Reproductive problems, involving either breasts or uterus. Try Sepia (hr).

Mar 2, 2000 (Feb 13, 2000 to Mar 21, 2000)Ura Trine Sun

This is one time that you can view stress as a positive, exhilarating and exciting "high." Your nerves are like steady, steel cables, so you can take the brute force of ANY kind of stress and turn it into a positive. Unexpected things happen in your daily life, but you'll be able to cope with them magnificently. Your health is prime, and you can take anything the world throws at you during this period. If hard aspects are in effect, the above may be modified.

Mar 11, 2000 (Feb 10, 2000 to Aug 15, 2000)Nep Qucnx Plu

Severe, long term stress can have possibly suppressed your immune system, making you highly susceptible to cyclic bouts with colds, flu or allergy ailments. Pantothenic Acid and Vitamin C may help boost your beleaguered immune system and support it. It is advisable to get "constitutionalized" by a homeopathic doctor during this period, to help stabilize the fluctuations occurring within your body.

Most susceptible is your endocrine system, particularly the Thyroid gland and the Adrenal glands. Mood swings, depression and roller coaster feelings may indicate the above, and tests should be run to validate.

Neptune always promises you that you can be misdiagnosed. Please seek a second, perhaps even a third opinion if you're feeling uneasy about the primary diagnosis. Follow your intuition during this time frame! Other ailments having to do with bacteria (Staph and Strep) infections, viral and parasitic invasion, are possible. A sore throat could turn out to be a strep infection--so get to the doctor and get a throat culture to make sure--one way or another! Don't be blase about your health at this time.

You may suffer from long bouts of being tired, exhausted or unable to muster much enthusiasm for life like you usually do. This combination of planets is asking you to quiet your busy outer world and go inward--into yourself. This can be a good time for therapy--but also, a bad time for getting caught up in cults of any kind--be they religious or metaphysical. The best person to help you is yourself. Meditation is recommended. Quiet walks, being alone, or by the water, is healing and beneficial. Getting back to Nature will be positive, and lower the stress on your immune system.

Heavy metal poisoning, and for that matter, ANY kind of poisoning (insecticides, botulism, salmonella, etc.) is possible. Don't put yourself in a highly polluted environment, because your body will rebel and break down on you--particularly via the lungs. So, chest colds and even pneumonia, are possible. Be careful of the air you breathe, and the water or liquids you drink. An excellent homeopathic remedy to carry with you during this time for any kind of poisoning (particularly food), is Arsenicum.

Blood problems can arise, especially anemia. If you are tired and draggy feeling, go in and get a blood test to find out. Usually, it can be a white blood cell problem, or the doctor may discover a low level of infection in your bloodstream, indicating a higher white blood count than normal.

If you do get ill during this time, recuperation is NOT going to be quick. The best way to help is take Gelsemium (hr) to stop any possible relapses and speed recovery more quickly. This transit asks you to shift from the outside world, slow down, and masticate some issues that you may have been avoiding for quite some time. If you don't address these issues (usually through some kind of therapy modality), then physical illness may manifest as an expression of your inner turmoil. Seek proper help, and you can avoid becoming sick.